would've appreciated more basses but that's okay
would've appreciated more basses but that's okay
will do more bass to it.!
there's some mixing to improve though
OK, thank you for a totally informative respond. Appreciated :D
if i had one advice for making chord based drop, that would be to layer different supersaws
If i made the supersaw more louder or more layer, the vocal chops will be drown by the loudness of the saw cuz like i have tried it but decide to go with only 2 layer of saw.
thx for commenting tho
are you on spoptify dumbcatto
yus uwu
sober or not this is really neat
Thank you very much! :D
which libraries are you using ?
Heavyocity Damage, Joshua Bell Violin, Project SAM Symphobia 2, Victorian Music Box, Voices of Rapture
I also use VSCO vst
i love your shit, keep it up <3
<3 Thank you so much!
you're not fooling anyone you frenchboy
I really am in Sweden though!
Thanks for the rating <3
alias retired for an indefinite amount of time
Age 21
Joined on 9/5/18