Wtf is that clicky kick ? Gr8 anyways.
Wtf is that clicky kick ? Gr8 anyways.
too much i freqeancys
I expected more things to happen. Decent anyways.
I understand you bro, this is a "soft dubstep"...
Holy crap. Thats gold my boi
Thanks :)
Which video game is this soundtrack from ?
It's a project I've been slowly working on since january 2016, I'm making the entire soundtrack and sound effects and some of the game art and also the story but once I've finished the soundtrack and finalized the story I'll look for people to hire for coding the game because honestly I'm not good at coding, not even in Game Maker Studio (which is what I'd like to use for it)
ambient is good
I kinda messed up the mixing on this, but since the original file was lost, I can't fix REEEEEEE
Love is when dad falls over mom, making mom scream because she's hurt I guess
btw great song
lmaooo and thenxxx
I like it. Maybe it's a bit empty (I think it's because of the lack of subbass and reverb). Parts like 1:39 - 1:44 could've been filled with SFX, because I f e e l this awkward silence during at least 8 seconds... :/ Overall good one, but next time fill in the blanks of your track. Keep going !
Thanks for the feedback! I kind of forgot to add a sub bass onto the track because I'm an idiot. There is actually a quiet riser coming in at 1:41 but yes that part is very empty. Thanks for the review! :D
t u r n u p t h e v o l u m e o f t h e b a s s
Mmm. Maybe I update it soon. Adding some changes including turning up the volume of some sounds. Probablly basses...
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Age 21
Joined on 9/5/18